Red Belt Forms

Palgwe Chil Jang

Red Stripes must learn this form in order to advance to a Black stripe.

Ready Position

  1. Move the left foot into a left forward stance while executing low blocks with both hands.
  2. With the left foot fixed, execute a high front snap kick with the right foot.
  3. Step down into a right forward stance while executing middle section blocks with both hands.
  4. With the right foot fixed, execute a front snap kick to the middle section with the left foot.
  5. Step down into a left forward stance while executing a high X block.
  6. Execute a middle section side kick with the right foot.
  7. Step down into a left back stance while executing a middle section double knife-hand block.
  8. Pivoting on the ball of the right foot, turn to the left (270º) by moving the left foot into a right back stance while executing an outward middle block with the left hand.
  9. With the right foot fixed, move the left foot into a left forward stance while executing a high section straight punch with the right fist.
  10. Staying in the same stance, execute a high block with the left arm.
  11. Execute a middle section side kick with the right foot.
  12. Drop into a left back stance and execute a double knife-hand block to the low section.
  13. Slide the right foot into a right forward stance while executing a middle section straight punch with the left fist.
  14. Pivoting on the ball of the left foot, turn to the right (180º) by moving the right foot into a left back stance while executing an outward middle block with the right arm.
  15. With the left foot fixed, move the right foot into a right forward stance while executing a high section straight punch with the left fist.
  16. Staying in the same stance, execute a high block with the right arm.
  17. Execute a middle section side kick with the left foot.
  18. Step down into a right back stance while executing a double knife-hand block to the low section.
  19. With the right foot fixed, move the left foot into a left forward stance while executing a middle section punch with the right fist.
  20. Pivoting on the ball of the right foot, turn to the left (90º) by moving the left foot into a left forward stance while executing a low X block.
  21. Keeping your feet in the same stance, execute a high X block.
  22. Twisting your right hand as if to grab, pull it back toward your body and immediately execute a high section straight punch with the right fist. KIYAP!
  23. Pivoting on the balls of your foot, turn the body to the left (360º) as you shift into a horse stance while executing a low block.
  24. With the right foot fixed, twist the upper body to the left and slide the left foot into a left forward stance while executing a high section outer knife-hand strike with the left hand.
  25. Pivoting on the ball of the left foot, turn to the left (90º) while executing a right inner crescent kick to the left palm.
  26. Drop the right foot into a horse stance while executing a right elbow strike.
  27. Slide right one step sideways while keeping the horse stance position. Execute a side block to the high section with the right hand and a side block to the low section with the left hand.
  28. Slide sideways to the right once more. Shift your upper body into a right back stance while executing a middle section double knife-hand block.
  29. Keeping the right foot fixed, move the left foot into a left forward stance while executing a middle section punch with the right fist. Kihap!

Return to ready position

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